“He Has the Original of Character Which is Not Cut Up, and Returns Again to the Innocence of Babe”: Wang Keyu’s Character in Xu Huaizhong’s Works

By / 01-13-2021 /

Chinese Journal of Literary Criticism

No.4, 2020


He Has the Original of Character Which is Not Cut Up, and Returns Again to the Innocence of Babe”: Wang Keyu’s Character in Xu Huaizhong’s Works



Zhang Zhizhong


The innovation of character is one of the important reasons why Xu Huaizhong’s A Story of Towing the Wind is widely praised, especially Wang Keyu. From the aspects of Xu Huaizhong’s military life and creative process, literary value orientation, the influence of Laozi’s philosophy, love of beauty and the creation of charming young women’s images, we can try to answer the question “what is Wang Keyu’s character.” The portrayal of Wang Keyu, a young woman soldier with pure and charming demeanor, full of national feelings, returning to the original nature, not only provides a new typical character for Chinese literature, but also reflects the writer’s choice to respond to social reality and ideological needs.