
  • When used as a noun, this character refers to honesty or integrity. When used as a verb, it means to “trust” or “believe.&rdq…[详细]
  • When pronounced as zhōng, this character is often used as a noun or an adjective, referring to the center or middle. When pronounced as zh&ogr…[详细]
  • The word “Zhong Guo” (China) first appeared as an inscription on Hezun, a bronze chalice of the Zhou Dynasty. Photo: BAOJI BRONZE M…[详细]
  • A feces collector in Beijing in the late Qing and early Republican periods Photo: BEN Waste management has been a global concern…[详细]
  • This character usually means “pure” or “clean.” When combined with bai (white), the term means “pure white.&rdquo…[详细]
  • Butter sculptures displayed in the Ta’er Temple Photo: FILE Kumbum Monastery, also known as Ta’er Temple, is one of t…[详细]
  • This character usually refers to dairy products, such as butter. When used as an adjective, it describes something that is flaky, crispy or flu…[详细]
  • Carved characters that date to the Liangzhu era have been discovered on a black pottery vessel from the Chenghu Site (left) and on a grey potte…[详细]
  • This character has various meanings. It often refers to the Han Chinese, a racial group in China that derives its name from the Han Dynasty.…[详细]
  • An inlaid turquoise bronze plaque unearthed from the Erlitou archaeological site Photo: CHINESE ENCYCLOPEDIA China has been gener…[详细]