From “Dongbei Literature” to “New-Dongbei Literature”

By / 01-23-2025 /

Chinese Journal of Literary Criticism

No.4, 2024


From “Dongbei Literature” to “New-Dongbei Literature”



Liu Xiaoli


A deep reflection upon the emerging “new-Dongbei” literary phenomenon can be achieved through an examination of concepts including “Dongbei literature,” “new-Dongbei literature/writer revival” and the “Dongbei Renaissance,” a distinction between the “Dongbei literature” as a concept and as a term respectively, as well as an investigation of new literary cognitive schema that these expressions beget from the dimensions of linguistic and factual knowledge. The paper first clarifies the relationship between the term and the concept, then analyzes “Dongbei literature” and the “new-Dongbei literature/writers’ group,” and finally discusses the significance of “new-Dongbei literature” and the “new-Dongbei writers’ group” through the lens of the “Dongbei Renaissance.”