Spatial Construction of National Governance—Spatial and Temporal Logic of Administrative Division Adjustment and Key Issues in the New Era
Social Sciences in China (Chinese Edition)
No. 7, 2024
Spatial Construction of National Governance—Spatial and Temporal Logic of Administrative Division Adjustment and Key Issues in the New Era
Zhao Jujun
Administrative division delineates the spatial framework of national governance. Aligned with the core tenets of functional orientation theory, it can be seen that the adjustment of administrative division in the new era manifests distinct spatialtemporal differentiation. Given the dynamic yet relatively stable nature of governmental functions, the “political logic” of administrative division adjustment continues to play an important role, despite the fact that “development and governance” go hand in hand. The vertical differentiation of government functions and the diverse attributes of administrative regions have prompted the adjustment of provincial administrative divisions, which have always been politically influenced: middle-level administrative regions exhibit a balance between “development and governance,” border and ethnic minority districts exhibit a balance between “politics and development,” while grass-roots administrative regions prioritize “governance” predominantly. Taking the temporalspatial logic of administrative division adjustment in the new era as a starting point for analysis, and taking into account policy shifts and macro-environmental changes, the pivotal issues for the ongoing optimization of administrative division arrangements include promoting the transformation and development of shrinking cities, the reorganization of “small counties,” boosting the highquality development of megacities, and modernizing governance at the grassroots level.