95 theses for long-term sustainability: long-term sustainable, comprehensive and life-centred world order

By / 05-09-2023 /

International Social Science Journal (Chinese Edition)

No.1, 2023


95 theses for long-term sustainability: long-term sustainable, comprehensive and life-centred world order



Budapest Centre for Long-term Sustainability


Long-term sustainable development rests on making our decision-making system comprehensive. In order to ensure the long-term sustainable development of nations and societies, we need a suitable decision-making systems, conceptual framework and value system, that puts life, the nation and nature first, and that reconciles material advancement with physical, emotional and intellectual development, with the quality of individual and social life as well as with the quality of life of the ecosystems on Earth. This decision-making system is provided by a comprehensive world view encompassing the material world, the world of life and the sphere of intellect.