Scientific and educational cooperation along the Belt and Road: the case of the education of international students in China

By / 05-09-2023 /

International Social Science Journal (Chinese Edition)

No.1, 2023


Scientific and educational cooperation along the Belt and Road: the case of the education of international students in China



Chu Guofei


Since the beginning of reform and opening up, China’s education has been improving its quality due to a consistent national strategy and successive investments and attractive to more and more foreign students. In the same time, many countries along the routes of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) face difficulties in the development of their technology, as well as short of related personnel training because of political and economic factors. From our knowledge of foreign students training in such areas as science and technology, a data analysis, as well as related studies and interviews, we find that the education cooperation in training high-level technological personnel in the BRI framework not only trains up a great number of qualified personnel needed by the BRI countries, but also plays an important role in promotion of win-win scientific and educational cooperation, as well as learning each other among the countries.