Strengthening China-Germany cooperation for a better world

On Nov. 12, Das Siebte Chinesisch-Deutsche Akademische Forum was held in Shanghai. Photo: Chen Lian/CSST
At present, we are in an era of constant challenges and increasing risks. Unilateralism and protectionism are a serious threat to world peace and stability, and no country is immune to the situation. Chinese president Xi Jinping pointed out that as two large and responsible countries, China and Germany need to strengthen strategic communication, coordination and cooperation more than ever before, to jointly deal with the common challenges facing humanity. On Nov. 12, Das Siebte Chinesisch-Deutsche Akademische Forum, co-sponsored by the Social Sciences in China Press and the Bonn Academy for Research and Teaching in Practical Politics, was held in Shanghai.
The pursuit of a good life is an aspiration shared by people of all nations. Wang Limin, executive deputy editor-in-chief of the Social Sciences in China Press, said that China and Germany haven’t ceased pursuing a better world for even a moment. The forum’s theme of “Strategien für eine bessere, globale Zusammenarbeit-Kooperation zwischen China and Deutschland” reflects the hope of the two countries to find solutions to address the common challenges facing the current world through in-depth discussions. Building a new vision of globalization, modernization and a better world requires wisdom and effort from the international community.
China and Germany are among the most influential countries on both sides of the Eurasian continent. Christine Althauser, consul general of the Federal Republic of Germany in Shanghai, said that Germany is very willing to cooperate with China at the federal and state level. In addition to the 12 state visits of the German chancellor Angela Merkel to China, there have been many other forms of exchange between the two sides in various fields, centered around economic exchange. It is hoped that these exchanges will continue on the basis of mutual trust. The recent 2nd China International Import Expo (CIIE) also reflected the close bilateral ties between the two countries, and commentators from Germany praised this event highly.
Bodo Hombach, president of the Bonn Academy for Research and Teaching in Practical Politics, said that as instability in the current world is on the rise, cooperation and exchanges between Germany and China are more important than ever. China need be more determined to promote the development of the Belt and Road (B&R) initiative, which crosses national borders to promote the free flow of goods and the exchange of ideas.
Guo Weilu, secretary of the Party Committee of East China University of Political Science and Law, said that it can be felt through the CIIE that China’s door is opening wider and wider to the outside world. In such an open world with many opportunities and challenges, international cooperation between teaching and research institutions is needed to jointly build a beautiful, harmonious and orderly world.
Michael Junker, director of the Michael Junker Institute, said that as two countries with different cultural backgrounds, it is necessary for China and Germany to build mutual trust, not only economically but politically.
Cooperation among states is influenced by conceptual factors in addition to national interests. Wang Fan, vice president of China Foreign Affairs University, said that China has always highlighted inclusiveness, integration and sharing among different civilizations. It has worked closely with other countries to promote the process of globalization, building its image as a large and responsible country. It is necessary for different countries to seek common ground while reserving differences in today’s modern world.
Ouyang Kang, dean of the Institute of State Governance at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, said that since the interior structures of civilizations and any understandings of civilizations are of dual and even multiple natures, holding correct attitudes towards different civilizations should be top priority. That is to say, we should be fully aware of cultural differences and respect the equal rights of all ethnic cultures. Against the background of the profound changes in the global governance structure, China and Germany need to jointly promote the progress of human civilization and develop mutually beneficial cooperation for a better world.
Ding Chun, director of the Center for European Studies at the School of Economics at Fudan University, said that China and the European Union established interconnected B&R platforms in 2015, and the EU member states and China have also developed various forms of cooperation at different levels. The China-EU B&R cooperation scheme has three major points of focus: strengthen exchange in the fields of transportation, data, energy, infrastructure and the humanities; promote the free flow of factors such as goods, services, capital and personnel; and interact and cooperate with other Asian countries. Based on legal systems and regulations, China-EU cooperation is sustainable, comprehensive and transparent. There is no clear geopolitical conflict between them, but they share much in common in many aspects such as multilateralism, free trade and climate change. More importantly, the two sides have established many mature mechanisms of communication to ensure that both parties can respond to each other’s demands in a timely manner.
edited by YANG LANLAN