Reflection on the Life Science Interpretation Model from the Perspective of Teleology

By / 11-25-2019 /

Social Sciences in China (Chinese Edition)

No.4, 2019


Reflection on the Life Science Interpretation Model from the Perspective of Teleology



Fei Duoyi


Many explanations in life science resort to teleology. Mainstream opinion tends towards historical exploration; that is, it looks for evolutionary mechanisms that result in functional differences and for rules leading to generational variation. However, this approach has been questioned by the research trajectory of natural teleology. If we reexamine the final cause and analyze the logical puzzles of teleological interpretation, we find that the concept of “cause” refers to logical not temporal priority. It does not provide a necessary reason for existence, but rather explores how it is possible, stressing models relating to possible states and examining whether the tendency of particular states to produce particular results strengthens the reproductive tendency of organisms. The ultimate end or purpose reflects the constraint placed by events occurring in the future on existing events. The concept of end or purpose and cause-and-effect explanations have an irreducible heterogeneity; they constitute quite different scientific explanations. The non-substitutable nature of ultimate ends demonstrates the extent to which biology has its own scientific foundation and thus cannot be controlled by the scientific philosophies of other disciplines.