The British New Left’s Socialist Political Thinking on the Supreme Good

By / 11-24-2014 /

Social Sciences in China (Chinese Edition)

No.9, 2014


The British New Left’s Socialist Political Thinking on the Supreme Good



Qiao Ruijin


From the mid-50s, the British New Left promoted British socialism through its holistic image and independent stance, encouraging the development of British Marxism and setting off a global trend for academic study of the subject. The crux of New Left thinking was the issue of realizing socialism in a capitalist society and overcoming alienation in the real world and in society in order to realize the liberation of humankind. As a whole, the New Left combined Marxism with the real world and explored the nature and characteristics of socialist politics, trying to elucidate, at the philosophical level, the nature of the good in socialist politics. Their thought was distinguished by its emphasis on the nature of the good, the study of the good, and good governance.