Value Recognition: The International Communication of Shared Human Values and Aesthetics: A Case Study of the Overseas Dissemination and Reception of Chinese Literature

By / 01-23-2025 /

Social Sciences in China, 2024

Vol. 45, No. 3, 2024


Value Recognition: The International Communication of Shared Human Values and Aesthetics: A Case Study of the Overseas Dissemination and Reception of Chinese Literature



Sun Dehong


International communication should fundamentally aim at promoting the exchange and mutual learning of civilizations, achieving a transformation from cultural clashes to civilizational exchange and mutual learning. The manifestation of international communication that facilitates this exchange and mutual learning is that the values contained in the communication texts ultimately become integrated into the culture of the receiving party and even into human culture as a whole due to this exchange and mutual learning. Achieving civilizational exchange and mutual learning in international communication requires “value recognition” efforts between the disseminating and receiving parties, focusing on the universal values of human happiness for all, which is the “greatest common divisor” of value recognition among different receiving subjects. International communication that facilitates the exchange and mutual learning of civilizations must take the inevitable route of such international communication: the path of aesthetic communication.


Keywords: international communication, ideal benchmark, value recognition, aesthetic communication