Intermingling of People and Plants: Observations on Family Orchid Keeping Activities in Western Yunnan Province

By / 01-23-2024 /

International Social Science Journal (Chinese Edition)

No.4, 2023


Intermingling of People and Plants: Observations on Family Orchid Keeping Activities in Western Yunnan Province



Zhang Haichao


There is a long tradition of orchid breeding in western Yunnan. In the artificial environment, the water, soil and light required for the growth of orchids are carefully arranged. Orchids do not need a lot of water and fertilizers, and they can open up in winter. The lotus petal orchid(莲瓣兰 Cymbidium tortisepalum Fukuyama strain fit the aesthetics of local people in terms of fragrance, flower shape and leaves, which makes it able to develop and grow continuously in the region. From the aspects of purchase, maintenance and enjoyment, plant evolution and human activities have formed a mutually compatible relationship, which is the result of the joint action of the species characteristics of local orchids, traditional Chinese aesthetics and regional culture.