The Philosophical Logic of the Chinese Path to Modernization

By / 09-05-2023 /

Social Sciences in China (Chinese Edition)

No. 7, 2023


The Philosophical Logic of the Chinese Path to Modernization



Han Qingxiang


In studying the internal logic of the Chinese path to modernization, the new form of human civilization and the human community with a shared future, as well as the construction of their theoretical and discourse systems, we take a broad historical perspective and clarify the constructive logic of the theoretical and discursive system of Western-centrism. In the evolution of Western civilization, imperialist civilization was endogenous to Western countries, and the latter constructed the theoretical and discursive system of Western-centrism, a system that contains the gene that alienates imperial civilization and changes it into barbarism. The theoretical and discursive system of Western-centrism was constructed based on the logic of the historical pathinterpretation of civilization” “national superiority” “defense of humanity” “social argumentation” “criterion of reason” “mission of enlightenment” “beautiful myths” and “philosophical foundation”. The Chinese path to modernization can create a new form of human civilization, and also is the humanistic foundation for the construction of a human community with a shared future. In terms of generative logic, the three have a progressive relationship, and in terms of theoretical logic, they understand each other. The birth of the Communist Party of China was decisive for China’s modernization. It changed China’s passive response to the impact of Western modernization trends into an active response, and took the historical initiative in realizing socialist modernization.