Implementing the Global Development Initiative

By ZHANG GUIHONG / 05-25-2023 / Chinese Social Sciences Today

The Global Development Initiative promoted in the United Nations, April 19 Photo: CFP 

The Global Development Initiative (GDI) is a Chinese plan for addressing imbalanced and inadequate development, promoting global governance reform and constructing a global development community with a shared future after the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). 

In order to facilitate the implementation of the GDI and translate it into actions, it is recommended to adopt a multilateral, standardized, agenda-based and institutionalized approach. 

The focuses are prioritizing alignment, co-construction, demonstration, and collaboration.  

Deepening global cooperation

To promote and implement the GDI in the international community, it is suggested to first ensure that other countries understand, accept, support, and participate in the initiative. In January 2022, China initiated the Group of Friends of the GDI. 

Furthermore, the initiative is actively promoted to be included in official documents of international and regional institutions, which is demonstrated in the topics and meeting agendas of organizations such as the Group of 20 (G20), the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

To facilitate the implementation of the GDI, it is necessary to revise, supplement, and improve existing rules and regulations in international economic relations such as those related to international trade, investment, finance, and aid. 

This will ensure these rules and regulations better reflect the development philosophies embodied in the GDI. Additionally, it is necessary to base new rules and regulations on these development philosophies in the digital economy, emerging technologies, regional development, and other areas. 

The incorporation of the GDI into various agendas involves refocusing on development via cooperations with the United Nations (UN) system and other international institutions. This approach prioritizes inclusive, innovative, and synergetic development as the guiding principles for practices in global development governance and international development cooperation.

To allow the GDI to continue developing steadily into the future requires effective cooperation and work mechanisms. The GDI focuses on eight cooperative areas representing the vital direction for the institutionalization of the initiative. The establishment of the Group of Friends of the GDI is both an innovative measure to institutionalize the initiative, and a vital pathway for implementing the GDI. 

In recent years, China has successively established the Center for International Knowledge on Development, the Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development, the International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals and other development-focused institutions. These institutions can serve as a driving force for the institutionalization of the GDI. 

Promoting common development

To promote the multilateralization of the GDI and increase its inclusion in various agendas, it is important to align the initiative with key areas and needs of different countries, as well as with cooperation mechanisms and partners from various sectors. 

This can be achieved by strengthening collaboration with development institutions and specialized agencies within the UN system, as well as with regional international organizations. 

Additionally, it is important to deepen the alignment of key cooperation areas in the GDI with relevant goals in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. By doing so, the GDI can truly become the promoter, stabilizer, and accelerateor of global development. 

The GDI primarily focuses on international cooperation in poverty alleviation, food security, fundraising for development and green development, industrialization, the digital economy, interconnectivity, and so on. 

It is suggested that several representative countries and regions should be chosen to cultivate bellwethers and to promote flagship projects to play a leading role. 

Through the accumulation of demonstrative practical experience, concrete solutions could be formed and promoted to motivate neighboring countries and regions to implement the GDI faster and better. 

Both the BRI and the GDI focus on development, but are of different characteristics. 

Promoting both the high-quality joint construction of the BRI and the GDI at a high standard requires leveraging the complementary and synergetic effects of the two. 

The achievements of the BRI over the past ten years have provided a solid foundation for the implementation of the GDI, and  the GDI has injected great momentum for the future development of the BRI. The two initiatives should complement each other to forge synergy and progress collaboratively.  

Zhang Guihong is director of the Center for the Study of the United Nations and International Organizations at Fudan University.  

Edited by ZHAO YUAN