The Three Evaluation Criteria for Author Theory: Historical Materials, Times and Text

By / 05-09-2023 /

China Social Science Review

No.1, 2023


The Three Evaluation Criteria for Author Theory: Historical Materials, Times and Text



Hou Min


The indispensable criteria for the author theory of modern and contemporary literature are the historical materials; the times; and the text. Historical materials lay the foundation of author theory. In the course of the selection of historical materials, we can ensure a solid foundation of writers only if we place emphasis on the completeness of the material we collect, endeavor to dig as deep as possible, and try hard to avoid application bias. As far as the times are concerned, an important responsibility of author theory is to find an author’s works that truly represent the mind and spirit and the artistic level of the times and reflect the unique features of the era, using the time as one’s yardstick. The text is the key to author theory; it starts with the text and is based on the internal and external connections and in-depth integration of the text and the author. The provision of a comprehensive review of the overall landscape of the author’s creation is the main goal of author theory.