Basic Principles and Value Dimensions of Social System in the Realization of Distributive Justice

By / 09-19-2014 /

Social Sciences in China (Chinese Edition)

No.3, 2013


Basic Principles and Value Dimensions of Social System in the Realization of Distributive Justice



Xiang Yuqiao


Human society relies on the rational design and arrangement of a social system to realize the value goal of distributive justice. The social system building targeted toward the value goal of distributive justice should comply with four principles: equal opportunities, equal allocation of interests and responsibilities, reasonable allocation norms and procedures, and injustice redressing. A social system based on these principles is inherently fair and can ensure an equitable allocation of social resources. Using social system building to ensure distributive justice is of practical significance in that it can help the society integrate different singular intentionalities of distributive justice into a collective one, so that a social perspective on the issue of distributive justice is developed, that an egalitarian view of distributive justice is established, that any quest of distributive justice is protected and any harm to it is punished, and that the distributive interests of both advantaged and disadvantaged groups are protected and advanced.