On Climate Justice

BY | 09-18-2014
International Social Science Journal (Chinese Edition)
No.2, 2013
On Climate Justice
Wang Canfa and Chen Yijian
Climate justice is a system of values by which all entities and individuals are treated fairly in the whole process and all dimensions of our responses to the climate change. It is understood as a synthetic concept across axiology, methodology and the theory of practice. According to different standards and needs, climate justices can be classified differently. In terms of nature of laws and regulations, they can be divided into substantial and procedural climate justices. Climate justices have the features of the historical, the global, the universal and the comprehensive. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to study climate justices. The values of climate justices are represented in the fundamental principles to which should be adhered in legislation: the most vulnerable is priority, originator’s responsibility, equality of rights in emission, maintenance of traditional uses.  According to the requirements of climate justices, the legislative purposes of the Confronting Climate Change Act which is now being drawn should be multiple and adhered to such principles as “scientific planning, making overall arrangements, prevention in the first place, paying attentions to both reduction and adaption, governmental promotion, the market leading, implementation by enterprises, cooperation among all sides, fair burdens.” Meanwhile, a series of management systems should be set up to guarantee the realization of the principles.