Big Data Technologies and the Modern Transformation of Traditional Philology

BY | 04-20-2021

Social Sciences in China (Chinese Edition)

No.2, 2021


Big Data Technologies and the Modern Transformation of Traditional Philology



Liu Shi and Li Feiyue


Big data technologies have triggered innovations in the production methods and structural transformation of traditional philology and have expanded its accessibility. The fragmentation, standardization, structuration and visualization of traditional philology constitute the “macro-texts” and “hypertexts” consisting of the various textual collections and databases, which have promoted the connections between different kinds of literature and the rediscovery of knowledge. The application of online analysis, bibliometrics, thematic modeling and other textual information technologies can renovate classical philology’s practical approach, enhance its consistency and empirical basis, catalyze the creation of new research patterns, and promote the modern transformation of traditional philology. Contemporary big data technologies have changed the way we perceive and grasp the scope of traditional philology, reflecting the pursuit of our capacity for knowledge mining, organization, management and reproduction.