On the Relation Between Lao She and the Left-Wing Literary Circle: The Revision of Rickshaw Boy’s 1955 Edition

BY | 10-15-2020

Chinese Journal of Literary Criticism

No.3, 2020


On the Relation Between Lao She and the Left-Wing Literary Circle: The Revision of Rickshaw Boy’s 1955 Edition



Sun Jie


The original material constitutes the basis of any advancement in literary criticism and literary research. The solution to many questions often depends on the excavation and interpretation of first-hand literature. Song Qiang’s article “The Revision of Lao She’s Rickshaw Boy” reveals the controversy preceding the publication of the revised edition of the novel in 1955. From this, we can further sort out the complex relations between Lao She, Rickshaw Boy and comments from the left-wing literary circle.