The Value Expression of China’s Administrative System Reform

BY | 05-27-2020

Social Sciences in China (Chinese Edition)

No.2, 2020


The Value Expression of China’s Administrative System Reform



He Yanling


The process of China’s administrative system reform basically coincides with the course of its marketization. In different stages, it has shown the basic logic and value orientation of adapting to the market (efficient government), stabilizing society (service-oriented government) and the peoples satisfaction (service-oriented government that satisfies the people), with their common point lying in their responses to the social differences shaped mainly by marketization. The highly intertwined process of globalization, informatization and marketization, and especially the increasing impact of internet society upon the social structure, have shaped social diversity and brought new challenges to the reform of the administrative system. In the New Era, China’s administrative reform should continue responding not only to social differences, but also to social diversity, that is, a two-way response. The proposition of people-centeredness is the value expression of the two-way response to administrative reform in theory, and the Chinese solution for the two-way response to the administrative reform in practice. For the future administrative system reform, it is essential to deal with pluralism and change the mode of policy making; to use diversity; to confirm and re-understand social differences; and to construct pluralism so as to expand the routes for solving public problems.