Interpretation on the Logic of Qu Qiubai’s Cultural Hegemony

BY | 12-02-2019

Chinese Journal of Literary Criticism

No.3, 2019


Interpretation on the Logic of Qu Qiubai’s Cultural Hegemony



Liu Xuanru and Jiang Ru


Departing from the“sympathetic understanding” of Qu Qiubai’s argument on literary massification, this paper examines the pressures Qu confronted at international, domestic and individual levels and investigates the dynamics of the systematic theoretical construction on proletarian cultural hegemony. The logic and narrative features of Qu’s idea of proletarian cultural hegemony can be found in his texts written around 1932. Then we may more clearly and accurately understand Qu’s critique on the May Fourth New Cultural Movement from the perspective of proletarian cultural hegemony.