Key CPC session highlights strength of China’s system and governance

BY ZHONG ZHE | 11-07-2019
(Chinese Social Sciences Today)
The fourth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee is held in Beijing from Oct. 28 to 31, 2019. Photo: Wang Ye/XINHUA


The 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) concluded its fourth plenary session in Beijing on Oct. 31 with the release of a communique.
The session reviewed and adopted the CPC Central Committee’s decision on some major issues concerning how to uphold and improve the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and advance the modernization of China’s system and capacity for governance. 
The session stressed upholding and improving the fundamental, basic and important institutions that underpin the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In addition, a set of institutions that are well conceived, fully built, procedure based and efficiently functioning must be constructed to better transform institutional strength into effective governance.
The session vowed to see that institutions in all fields are notably improved by the time the CPC marks its centenary in 2021, and that the modernization of China’s system and capacity for governance is basically achieved by 2035 and realized in full before the People’s Republic of China celebrates its own centenary in 2049.
The session underscored the government administration system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The system will be increasingly law-based and its functions and duties will be better defined, it added.
Li Qi, director of the Institute of Governance at the Shanghai Party Institute of the CPC, said that all administrative organs must serve the people, be responsible to the people and be supervised by the people. Li also suggested innovating with administrative approaches and improving effectiveness, building a service-oriented government that the people are satisfied with.
The session underscored upholding and improving the social governance system based on collaboration, participation and common interests, as well as maintaining social stability and defending national security.
Since the reform and opening up, China has undergone profound changes in its economic system, social structure, pattern of interests and mentalities, said Deng Zhiping, director of the Institute of Reform and Opening Up and Modernization at the Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences. This requires us to not only promote high-quality economic development but also learn how to govern a profoundly changing and increasingly complex society. As such, modern governance methods, professional talent and approaches, and refined management services have been fundamental for improving social governance capabilities. 
Chen Guangjin, director of the Institute of Sociology at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that the important theoretical, epochal and historical significance of the outcome of the fourth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee can be understood from the following four aspects. 
First, it reflects the systemic, complete and integrated top-level design of socialist construction with Chinese characteristics, and it demonstrates a set of values, ideological and theoretical systems, and normative systems on national institutions and national governance systems. 
Second, it systematically and comprehensively summarizes and reflects the practical experience and lessons of the CPC and all the other political parties in the world that have been carrying out socialist revolution and construction under the guidance of Marxism. It embodies the CPC’s party spirit and the scientific, epochal and innovative nature of the party’s governance of the country. 
The third is to adapt to the major contradictions in our society in the new era and echo the needs of the people. The fourth is to provide a vivid Chinese model for the practice of the world socialist movement, Chen concluded.
Philosophers and social scientists shoulder the important historical mission of providing solid theoretical support for advancing the national governance system and the modernization of governance capabilities. 
Shi Ying, a research fellow at the Shaanxi Academy of Social Sciences, said that philosophers and social scientists need to feel the pulse of the times and understand the causes of social transformation. We are at the heart of a new technological revolution in which blockchain, artificial intelligence and other technologies have penetrated into production and lives. Promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity requires introducing and strengthening technological means, calling for the deep integration of the natural sciences and the humanities and social sciences.
edited by JIANG HONG