The Lack of Value Criticism and National Consciousness: On the Research of the “Transcendence” in Zhou Zuoren’s Prose

BY | 02-27-2019

Chinese Journal of Literary Criticism

No.4, 2018 


The Lack of Value Criticism and National Consciousness: On the Research of the “Transcendence” in Zhou Zuoren’s Prose



Ma Limin


The so-called research on the“transcendence”in Zhou Zuoren’s prose since the 1990s has emerged in the context of global “de-nationalization”and the Western destructive philosophy. Although there are some reflections on it, it is still not enough to change the long-standing aesthetic discourse of Zhou Zuoren studies. In recent years, the research is increasing, which features with the questioning of tradition, constantly improving Zhou Zuoren’s status in literary history, and isolating his thought from his behavior and denying the early socialist literary canons. It is important to make young scholars realize the urgency of their missions of criticism through reflection on Zhou Zuoren researches in order to call for value criticism and reconstruct national consciousness.