The Spirit of Chinese Culture in Rural Fiction in the New Era

BY | 12-13-2018

Chinese Journal of Literary Criticism

No.3, 2018 


The Spirit of Chinese Culture in Rural Fiction in the New Era



Cui Zhiyuan


With distinct regional characteristics, the rural fiction has demonstrated the spirit of Chinese culture, which is formed in the mutual communication of regional culture. In the New Era, the rural fiction has recorded the dynamics of Chinese culture in the process of modernization. This dynamics include three aspects: firstly, “the idea of development and change.” Influenced by globalization, Chinese culture has undergone a process of “impact—reaction—reflecting on national culture—a new mechanism for the integration of Chinese and Western cultures.” Secondly, the awareness of crisis, including the spirit of worries about the nation and its people, the nostalgia of land, and family ethics. Thirdly, the spirit of inclusiveness, which includes the ecological balance between human and nature as well as the cultural integration of human and society.