Methods and Problems of the Historical Narrative of Minority Literature in the New Century: A Discussion Centered on Tibetan Yi Corridor Writers

BY | 07-12-2018

Chinese Journal of Literary Criticism

No.2, 2018


Methods and Problems of the Historical Narrative of Minority Literature in the New Century: A Discussion Centered on Tibetan Yi Corridor Writers



Liu Daxian


Retelling history has been a prominent trend in ethnic minority literature in the new century. These retold historical narratives provide a novel perspective for observing Chinese history from a specific ethnic, geographical, and cultural perspective. They can uncover history that has been obscured by mainstream narratives and activate the vitality of cultural diversity, but there are also problems of falling into isolation and closure. Only by reconstructing the historical view of the relation between individuals and state, desires and society, emotions and ideals, and aesthetics and values, and getting rid of narrow self, memory and experience, can it be possible to break the regional, cultural and ethnic limitations to gain the unity of particularity and universality.