The firefly in the grasses glows but never produces fire. Dew forms in pellets on the lotus, but are they real pearls?
The proverb means that something false can never be changed into the real thing.
Once in the buffalo’s mouth, the grass won’t have long to live.
The proverb indicates that one who is drawn into a hopeless situation will find it difficult to survive.
Though it may travel a thousand li, a horse won’t go forward without guidance.
The proverb suggests that talented people cannot achieve anything unless someone recommends them for a promotion.
Horses whined when they met the master trainer Bo Le. A man will sacrifice all for one who appreciates him.
The proverb means that people will gladly serve a superior who treats them well.
A camel may run out from a flock of sheep.
The proverb refers to a person of humble origin but rising to prominence.
A little lamb has the manner to suck while kneeling, and a baby crow will feed its mother when it has grown up.
The proverb metaphorically means that even animals are grateful to their mothers for love and care, and man should be more so.
Sheep’s wool comes from sheep’s back.
The proverb indicates that the advantage one has gained comes from what he or she has paid.