Production, consumption reform crucial to energy development

BY PAN YUEFEI | 07-10-2017
(Chinese Social Sciences Today)

In recent years, China has introduced new energy subsidies aimed at combating poverty, which provides experience for other developing countries in promoting energy reform and social development.

Recently, experts and scholars suggested building a comprehensive energy system to promote energy reform in China in an interview with CSST. They also shared opinions on how to reach the goals that the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration put forth in a strategy for energy production and consumption that covers the next 15 years.


Global transformation
The global energy sector is undergoing profound changes, said Guo Jiaofeng, a research fellow from the Institute of Resources and Environmental Policies at the Development Research Center of the State Council. Influenced by America’s shale revolution, global energy policy is transitioning from coal to oil and natural gas, and then to solar, wind power and other kinds of new energy, he said.

The energy revolution will pay a big dividend, said Zheng Xinye, a professor of economics from Renmin University of China, adding that the process brings with it great challenges, many of which are intertwined. The energy supply is expected to grow rapidly while increasing international energy interdependence will affect energy security. At the same time, the fluctuation of energy prices will affect national economies, and the misuse of resources can lead to pollution and climate change, Zheng said.

In this context, scholars pointed out that the key to a successful energy revolution is to push forward reform in energy production and consumption. Zeng Ming, a professor of economics and management from North China Electric Power University, said enhancing energy efficiency should be at the core of consumption reform, which will help lower consumption, thus reducing resource waste and environmental damage.

Diverse and rational models of energy consumption can be promoted through reform, increasing the efficiency of energy utilization, Zeng said. The purpose of production reform is to promote energy conservation and emission reduction, drive technological advance and ensure secure supplies of energy, he added.


Comprehensive system
China has made progress in its efforts to build a diverse supply system, conserve energy and optimize energy structure, Guo said. It has also applied new technologies to the field of energy, such as “internet plus smart energy,” internet of things, mobile internet and cloud computing.


However, it should be noted that China’s reform in energy production and consumption has not yet met the demands of energy development trends. Zeng said, it is pivotal to build a comprehensive energy system in which each kind of energy is no longer solely produced, distributed and utilized, and each can complement one another.


Chinese wisdom
In the process of reform, China has contributed its proposals and wisdom to the world. Zheng said the Chinese experience in dealing with carbon emission highlights equal importance of reduction and adaptation in combating global climate change. Through reform in the electric power system, efficient enterprises weed out inefficient enterprises in the thermal power market.

In recent years, China has introduced new energy subsidies in poverty alleviation to ensure that each village has access to electricity. Other developing countries can learn from Chinese wisdom, Zheng said. In addition to developing new energy, China has adopted a gradual way to improve its energy structure based on stable supply of thermal power, which provides a valuable experience for the international community, he added.