Fishermen, oceans

BY | 04-06-2017
(Chinese Social Sciences Today)


Fish, caught by the fisherman, do not die on the mountains, and animals, chased by the hunter, do not dive into the pond.
The proverb is used metaphorically to mean that most occurrences are caused by physical circumstances rather than by superstitious coincidence.


Fish aids water; water aids fish.
The proverb indicates that people should help one another.


Fish cannot live without water, nor can melons thrive without vines.
The proverb means that nothing can survive when removed from its fundamental living conditions.


One may not have both fish and bear’s paws at the same time.
The proverb indicates that one cannot pursue two alternatives at the same time.


A fish asks for a fish; a shrimp asks for a shrimp.
The proverb suggests that people of the same sort seek out each other’s company.


The wide sea allows the fish to leap freely; the vast sky lets birds fly.
The proverb means that people can act freely or give full play to their talents.


If there are no fish in the sea, shrimp will become big.
This saying indicates that a person who is not very capable can attain a powerful position if people around him are even less capable.


The ocean cannot be measured with a scoop.
The proverb means that a great person cannot be judged by common standards.