LI XINFENG: Prospects for China-Egypt relations look promising

BY | 02-01-2016
(Chinese Social Sciences Today)

From Jan. 20 to 21, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Egypt on the second leg of his three-nation tour of the Middle East, which includes stops in Saudi Arabia and Iran. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic ties between China and Egypt as well as 60 years of China-Arab diplomatic relations. With the goal of boosting friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation, Xi’s visit will be a significant milestone for China-Egypt and China-Arab relations.

Egypt, as a large Arabian, African and Islamic state, plays an important role in regional and international affairs. China-Egypt relations are therefore of great symbolic significance.
The relationship between China and Egypt has a long history. Both countries were closely linked by the Silk Road 2,000 years ago. At that time, the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220) sent envoys to modern-day Alexandria in Egypt. In the meantime, Egyptian magicians also came to China to demonstrate their talent.


Egypt was a trade center and cultural hub that connected the East and the West for centuries. It was through Egypt that China’s silk, tea, and four great inventions—the compass, paper, movable type and gunpowder—were transmitted to Europe. In 1441, the sixth year of Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) Emperor Yingzong’s reign, the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt (1250-1517) dispatched envoys to China, writing a brilliant page in the history of China-Egypt relations.

After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, China-Egypt relations grew increasingly significant, continuously displaying new vigor and dynamism. In 1956, Egypt became the first Arabian and African country to establish diplomatic relations with China, which opened a new era of China-Arab and China- Africa relations.

Over the past six decades, despite a changing global and regional climate, China-Egypt relations have been progressing steadily based on the principles of mutual trust, benefit and prosperity. China and Egypt are partners who can trust and depend on each other. China-Egypt relations represent the level of China-Arab and China-Africa relations.

Today, there are new historic opportunities for China-Egypt relations, especially economic and trade development. In 2014, China-Egypt bilateral trade volume reached $11.6 billion. China became the biggest trade partner of Egypt. The China-Egypt Suez Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone, which started construction seven years ago, is taking shape and will be the bridgehead of economic and trade cooperation between China and Egypt.

During Xi’s visit, the two heads of state jointly kicked off the second phase of the China-Egypt Suez Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone. Meanwhile, they both witnessed the signing of the five-year implementation outline for strengthening comprehensive strategic partnership. Egyptian media said that the “Belt and Road” initiative has created more cooperative opportunities for Egypt, and it is time for industries of both countries to complement advantages of each other.

China and Egypt are similar in culture, benefit equally from economic and trade cooperation, and have corresponding development strategies. The two nations are geographically far away from each other, but their hearts beat in harmony. Xi’s visit will comprehensively deepen political trust and strategic cooperation while promoting China-Egypt relations to a higher level and making China-Egypt relations a model of South-South cooperation.

In history, the Chinese and Egyptian civilizations have made enormous contributions to human progress. Today, the development of the bilateral relationship is at a new historical starting point. The two countries are enjoying more promising prospects for cooperation. The mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Egypt, China and the Arab States, and China and Africa will benefit the whole world with the implementation of the “Belt and Road” initiative and the “Suez Canal Corridor” strategy. Peace and friendship will last long as China and Egypt go ahead hand in hand. As time goes by, the relationship between China and Egypt is bound to be more vigorous. China-Arab and China-Africa relations will certainly have a bright future.


Li Xinfeng is an expert in African studies and deputy editor-in-chief of Social Sciences in China Press.