An agreement to connect research and education resources in Jordan with partner organizations from around the world has been reached with the support of the European Union-funded EUMEDCONNECT3 program. This will provide Jordanian researchers and teachers with access to new technical resources, software applications, educational computing and research data that can only be accessed through a dedicated and specialized research and education network.
The agreement concluded between the Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN) and DAMAMAX, a provider of communication services and broadband solutions, means that the prestigious Talal Abu Ghazaleh University in Amman will be linked up to the GéANT network in Europe. GéANT is the pan-European research and education network that connects Europe’s National Research and Education Networks (NRENs).
Since 2004, the three EUMEDCONNECT programs have provided e-infrastructure dedicated to research and educational use in the Mediterranean region. The success of the first program led to further EU funding, with EUMEDCONNECT2 running from 2008 to 2011. This resulted in the establishment of the current EUMEDCONNECT3 program.
Individuals and institutions can no longer work in isolation, and nowhere is this more evident that in the European Union, where cross-border and multidisciplinary collaboration is now firmly entrenched. This culture of collaboration is now being increasingly expanded beyond the European Union’s borders, enabling institutions in all parts of the world to become connected and truly globalized.
(Edited by Bai Le)