Chinese Journal of Literary Criticism
No.4, 2024
“Thick” Depiction of Reality, Genre Fusion, and Tradition Rebuilding—An Analysis of Three Trends in Current Narrative Literature
Ma Bing
Current narrative literature exhibits three main trends: “thick” depictions of reality, genre fusion through the incorporation of elements from genre fiction, and the revitalization of traditional narrative resources to rebuild literary tradition. “Thick” depiction refers to a micro-level writing approach that adopts a profound stance, a deeply rooted posture, and penetrative exploration. The fusion of genre with serious literature is evident as more literary authors draw from science fiction, detective fiction, and other genres. This trend offers a “meaningful form” for capturing present experiences. Additionally, some writers actively return to traditional storytelling, modernizing these narratives to create a distinctive “Chinese narrative” that embodies China’s unique narrative wisdom and aligns with the telling of “Chinese stories.”