The Realization of Social Integrated Interests in Government Governance under the Rule of Law

BY | 11-18-2024

Social Sciences in China (Chinese Edition)

No. 8, 2024


The Realization of Social Integrated Interests in Government Governance under the Rule of Law



Feng Hui


Social integrated interests represent the common interests of all members of society. The primary goal of Chinese government governance is to achieve these integrated interests, with the rule of law serving as the guarantee for this process. The organizational, functional, and normative systems of government governance shape the foundation of subjects, behaviors, and rules realize social integrated interests. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, equal emphasis should be placed on both formal and substantive rule of law construction. The principles of maximizing, balancing, and coordinating social integrated interests, along with substantive fairness, should guide the formation of effective incentives, timely corrections, and scientific accountability in government governance. The organizational foundation of government governance should be improved with a focus on governance decentralization, governance competition, and publicprivate integration. The specific functions of government governance should also be enhanced, focusing on interest balancing, precision governance, and public goods provision. Additionally, the rationality review and post-evaluation of government governance decisions should be deepened. Finally, the public and private implementation mechanisms of government governance should be refined.