The Spirit of Composition and the Space of Imagination in New Century Poetry

BY | 07-05-2022

Chinese Journal of Literary Criticism

No.2, 2022


The Spirit of Composition and the Space of Imagination in New Century Poetry



Lu Zhen


The new Chinese poetry of the new century has inherited the discourse resources and artistic concepts of the poetry of the 1990s, especially in the spirit of “personalized writing” and poetic imagination, and has been building up strength for new aesthetics. In the new century, “personalized writing” has evolved from a polarized and confrontational mode of writing to a multifaceted context of communication between the individual and the times. At the same time, the poet strengthens his “personalized historical imagination,” inherits and develops the way of thinking that Chen Chao calls “transcending the concrete with the concrete,” especially the synthesis of transcendental and empirical elements, expanding the context and vision of the poetic narrative.